viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Animals on the danger of extincion


People all over the world are working to help save endangered animals from extinction. There are conservation organizations which try to make people aware of the problems facing wild animals. Some of the ways in which they are being saved include habitat protection, captive breeding, setting up nature reserves and parks and using alternative products in place of products from rare animals. Governments can help by making international agreements between countries to protect animals (many countries, for example, have agreed to stop hunting the blue whale). Scientists are setting up gene banks in which they keep an animal's genetic material (the 'building blocks' of a living thing) in suspended animation. This technique may make it possible in the future to 'grow' a new animal of the same species.

Species in Extinction and the species in danger
In the world one loses hundreds of thousands of species, many of them still before being discovered by the science. Thereby, not only the biological variability gets lost, but in addition the genetic diversity, sources of sustenances for the future generations. A species on the verge of extinction is a species that can become extinct in the near future. Across the history of the evolution, million species have disappeared due to natural processes. In the last 300 years, nevertheless, the human beings have multiplied the rate of extinction by thousand.

Which are principal reason of this danger?
 1. The pursuit and slaughter for the value of his skins.
 2. The intensive hunt and the intensive fishing to commercialize his meats.
 3. The pollution of the strange species to his habitat, or " invading species ".
 4. The big emprendimientos as dams, hidrovías, etc., that the man constructs.
 5. Loss of oil, which the seas contaminate.
 6. Natural accidents like the " gray death ", eruption of the volcanoes that throws to the atmosphere clouds of ashes and gases with high place contained of sulphur. 
7. The action of other pollutants (deposits of uranium, polonio, I remove and of other radioactive elements) 8. Different, intentional accidents or not, as the fires of forests, shock of ships, etc.

Traffic of species
The traffic of the flora and the fauna has turned into one of the most profitable economic emprendimientos and appears in the world thirdly after that of weapon and of the drugs. That of the fauna moves 10.000 million annual dollars and the flora, is overcoming 7.000 millions. To these numbers there would be necessary to add the clandestine traffic... Every year they are consumed in the world between 600 and 900 tons of ivory, which are obtained of approximately 150.000 fangs of adult elephants. In 1990, the trade of ivory was prohibited internationally. As MENTION, the world agreement that regulates the trade of species protects those who are on the verge of extinction, the population of African elephants diminished from 1,3 million copies to little more of 600.000, during the decade of eighty.

 The ten most threatened species.
His commercial use is totally prohibited. Tiger of Siberia: married by his skin. Approximately 200 copies stay. Giant otter: captured by his skin. It has disappeared in Uruguay and few hundreds stay in Argentina. Crocodile of the Nile: chased by his skin. Imperial Iberian eagle: they remain approximately equal 150 at liberty. Tortoise Marinades: chased by collectors and offered as curiosity in restaurants of luxuries. Gorilla of Mountain: destined to zoos, collectors and institutes of anthropology. Approximately 600 copies stay in the humid mountains of the African continent. Macaw Scarlet: imported by big quantities for the USA.

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